Notti Stellate – Cinema Under The Sky: You Are Invited To Watch Italian Films In Open Theatre at The Embassy of Italy in India

Notti Stellate - Cinema Under The Sky: You Are Invited To Watch Italian Films In Open Theatre at The Embassy of Italy in India

We invite you to watch Italian films on 18th or 19th March in the Garden of Embassy of Italy In India.

For Reservations, kindly RSVP us at on or before 16th March. Kindly copy the subject line as “Reservation Request for Notti Stellate for 18th/19th March”. 
Since we have limited seats, it is advised to make a request ASAP. Upon request, one approval email will be sent to you which confirms your seat. 
Kindly bring a printed or digital version of the approved email along with Membership card and your any one Valid Photo ID. Failure to do so might land you in denied access to the Embassy.