Giornata della memoria: “Witnesses of the Witnesses: Remembering and Recounting Auschwitz”
Giornata della memoria: "Witnesses of the Witnesses: Remembering and Recounting Auschwitz"
January 27 was designated as International Holocaust Remembrance by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005 to commemorate the tragedy of the Holocaust that occurred during World War II. The Italian Parliament adopted the decision with law no. 211 on 20 July 2000 where the day is commemorated as “Giornata della memoria”.
We are posting here a project by Studio Azzurro originally presented at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome in 2019 and now made available online. “Witnesses of the Witnesses: Remembering and Recounting Auschwitz” presents the testimonies of young people who visited the concentration camp at Auschwitz camp and some of the survivors.