Napoli Teatro Festival Italia
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has launched the initiative “Estate all’Italiana Festival” (Summer Italian Style Festival) through which it is offering its branches around the world access to watch more than twenty live concerts happening at various summer music festivals in Italy.
The concerts can be enjoyed for free and streamed on demand for 48 hours.
Concerts in collaboration with the Napoli Teatro Festival Italia
9pm onwards (Italian time)
“Miracoli e Rivoluzioni” (“Miracles and Revolution”)
Folk-rock concert by the band Foja, enhanced with evocative lighting arrangement and moments of aerial performance. From the courtyard of the Royal Palace of Capodimonte. Recorded concert
Dario Sansone acoustic guitar, voice and direction
Luigi Scialdone mandolin, ukulele, electric guitar
Ennio Frongillo electric guitar
Giuliano Falcone electric bass
Giovanni Schiattarella drums
Daniele Chessa audio
Gianluca Sacco drawing and lights
Performance: FUNA
Production: Graf srl
Concert show with two souls, two acts in which Foja, drawing on their published and unpublished songbook, investigate issues related to the sentimental sphere and existential and social issues, mixing tradition and modernity.
Miracles, like love, transcend human understanding, involve the supernatural; whereas Revolutions, internal or otherwise, require human intervention for the transformation of events.
9pm onwards (Italian time)
“Ho ucciso i Beatles” (“I killed the Beatles”)
Mark David Chapman, Beatles fan and John Lennon killer, relives his story in a hallucinated flashback punctuated by music. Live from Salerno Cathedral, with English subtitles.
Single act for singer, actor and string quartet by Stefano Valanzuolo
Pierluigi Iorio direction and scenic project
with Sarah Jane Morris and Solis String Quartet
Paolo Cresta acting voice
Beatles music transcribed and arranged by Antonio Di Francia
International Music Arts production
English subtitles
The event proposed here retraces the sad deeds of Mark David Chapman, who from being a Beatles fan went on to become John Lennon's assassin.
If someone had asked Mark David Chapman who the Beatles were, he could have talked for hours and perhaps ended up comparing John to Young Holden. When he was arrested, he still had Salinger's book in his hands. Not far away was Lennon's body. With five gunshots, the former big boy from Honolulu had interrupted John's life and the dreams of the Beatles' and of millions of fans. Chapman relives, in a hallucinated flashback punctuated by music, his story involving the most famous band of all time.
9pm onwards (Italian time)
“La mistica del cosmo” (“The Mystique of the Cosmos”).
The sacred works of the Neapolitan tradition are the starting point for a reflection on human beings and our ability to understand the universe. Live from the main courtyard of the Royal Palace of Naples.
Raffaella Ambrosino mezzosoprano and artistic direction.
Irma Cardano choreography.
Alessandro Tino choral conducting.
Vocal orchestra Prime numbers recording performance.
Ivir Dance choreography.
Midiware technical advice.
By listening to this sublime page of the Neapolitan musical tradition, Cristoforo Caresana’s Magnificat, conserved at the National Library of France in Paris, we wonder about human beings and their ability to understand the universe. Scientific progress starts with the observation of nature in order to arrive at fundamental universal concepts. The spiritual magnificence of Caresana’s opera sacra prompts us to question our destiny as humans by staging a present-day performance on the fragility of the human being next to creation’s greatness.